21 November 2009


Today I took pictures of the church with the crown that my friend designed. I’d never realized that there were angels holding up the crown. I went inside the church again hoping to find some priest or someone who might have known my friend. Looks like might have to go back on a Sunday.

Then I went and got another cup of crap coffee, only this time they had added cinnamon. But the view was beautiful, so I sat there watching the water but not drinking the coffee.

After that morning walk of a few hours, I went back to the hotel to cool down for awhile, then went out to try and find an air-card so that I could get internet In my room.

This mini laptop is quite a pain to use even in good light sitting at a table in my room. A good many of the letters just don’t type, so I spend way too much time going back and filling in missing parts. I write the blog in my room, then have to go down two flights to sit on a bench and upload everything to the blog. What little lighting there is, is florescent so it is always a mad rush to get it all blogged before the headache sets in. After I do that I check emails and only later realize that because of the typing difficulties + the poor light, my emails just might be incomprehensible.

The fix-it guy at the hotel said to go to the TelMex office because they were the distributors for mobile internet cards. I’d hoped it was within walking distance, but it wasn’t so a bus ride was on the itinerary.

I actually enjoyed the short trip and wondered why the bus wasn’t decorated like other buses in Mexico. Maybe they don’t do it anymore or maybe PV never did.

The trip mostly wound through narrow cobblestone, tree-lined streets, getting more packed as we headed out towards the new hotel/resort area. We passed a two-block long supermarket, Office Max, and Pizza Hut before arriving at the Plaza Caracol mall.

After a bit of explaining, I was told I could get a set-up to receive satellite internet for a month for about $25. Then it turned out I needed to have a land line so that didn’t work. The ladies told me to go over to Radio Shack, in the same mall, to see what they had. From there I was sent to another place and the upshot is that it is not possible to get a WIFI connection to beam up through 4 floors of concrete. Only a cable will do it. I will politely mention this to the management tomorrow, but am not holding out much hope.

After my afternoon break, I went down to the beach and really hoped maybe I could buy a cheap meal. I am sort of freaked by the prices here. Unless you go for the food stalls on the street, nothing much can be had for under $10. Mainly because there doesn’t seem to be any place that will serve you just one taco, or one egg.

I took a left on the section of beach that I had only been on in the morning and was disappointed to see that in the late afternoon it looks and feels really dirty and crowded and totally unappetizing. I ended up going to a place I had looked at a few days ago. They served single tacos at a reasonable price, they had tables in the sand, and the kitchen looked clean.

As the sun went down I knew there would be no colors in the sky so took pictures of a rather grey sunset. After the sun was down, a little pink began to show up. A waiter came by and we chatted for maybe 30 seconds. When I looked back out over the bay, the sky was vibrant pinks and oranges. I couldn’t believe how fast it had taken place.

I kept taking more pictures and got home to find that most had these ghostly globes floating around. I have never been able to figure out why this sometimes happens with my camera. I also had the waiter take a picture of me and since I had no reading glasses with me, relied on his opinion that it looked great. Not quite the case. I’ll have to get a good shot of me and a sunset some other time.

Tomorrow morning, honestly, I am going to try to go to the beach to get a tan. I have been scoping out various locales with beach chairs since arriving, and no place feels right. The nice ones are connected to hotels and charge you a hefty daily rate, even though I would stay no more than two hours. Added to that is the age-old question of who watches your stuff when you go in the water? I just might come back with no tan.
